Chantel W

Chantel W


Chantel, a Colorado native, draws inspiration from the captivating Rocky Mountains. With a BS in Psychology and extensive training in Cognitive Behavior Coaching and Motivational Interviewing, she is a passionate Holistic Health Coach. Her mission is to help clients achieve their life goals while promoting well-being.

Approaching life with compassion and a zest for adventure, Chantel guides others on journeys of self-discovery through mindfulness techniques such as nature immersion, meditation, and healthy movement. Her commitment to mental health and personal growth is evident in all aspects of her work and life.

  • What is your first name? Chantel

  • What is your nickname? Chanti

  • Where did you grow up? Morrison, Colorado

  • What was your favorite class in school (k-grad school)? Art History

  • Who was your favorite band growing up? Pink

  • Name your 3 favorite jobs you’ve had? Babysitting,Behavior technician, and Health Coaching,

  • What do you love doing more than anything else in the world? My Family

  • What’s your favorite food? Mac and cheese

  • Chocolate or vanilla? Text or phone call? Chocolate all the way! Phone call

  • Your greatest accomplishment? Becoming a Health Coach

  • What do you know now that you wish you knew then? To not take life so seriously, gotta have fun with it!

  • What did you want to be when you grew up? A Singer

(303) 945-3007

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