Ashley S
Ashley has a deep passion for coaching and mentoring. She has a Masters in Educational Counseling, certified Recovery Coach through CCAR and Life Coach through Coach Training Alliance. After years of struggling with addiction, she found recovery. She truly believes, anything is possible. She thrives on watching clients come into their own authentic selves. Ashley thinks self-care is trial and error. Try something and if it doesn’t work, try something else, everyone is different. Ashley has found her self-care consists of exercise, spending time with her husband and three children (one is furry), stand-up paddle boarding, bubble baths, mopping the kitchen floor and meditation.
What is your name? Ashley Sakker
What is your nickname? Ash
Where did you grow up? Denver, Colorado
What was your favorite class in school? Interpersonal Communication
Who was your favorite band growing up? Duran Duran
Name your 3 favorite jobs you’ve had? Sales Associate at REI, Camp Coach and Coach/Speaker
What do you love doing more than anything else in the world? Personal Development and laughing
What’s your favorite food? Thai-Drunken Noodles
Chocolate or vanilla? call or text? truth or dare? Vanilla. Call. Truth.
What is your greatest accomplishment? Getting Sober
What did you want to be when you grew up? Be a school counselor