Celebrating Juneteenth

Celebrating Juneteenth

Juneteenth is short for “June Nineteenth” and marks a very important day in American history. This is the day federal troops entered Galveston, Texas in 1865 and took control to ensure all slaves were freed. Juneteenth is thought to be the longest-running African American holiday. It became an official federal holiday on June 17, 2021. 

While slavery was abolished over 250 years ago, there is lingering trauma that has been passed down through the generations in the black community. As we celebrate Juneteenth this year, it’s important to focus on the overall mental health and well-being of the community. 

Barriers To Mental Health Care 

Historically, the African American community has been faced with certain barriers that have made seeking mental health services challenging. 

Socioeconomic Disparities 

It is common for members of the black community to experience socioeconomic disparities that make it hard to finance mental health treatment. Recent data suggest that 11% of black adults in this country have no form health insurance.  


It is common for people in the black community to have negative attitudes and beliefs about mental health issues and treatment for those issues. In fact, one study found that 63% of black people still believe that admitting to struggling with a mental health condition is a sign of personal weakness.  

As a result of this lingering stigma, people often feel shame for having a mental health condition and choose to not seek help for fear of being bullied or scorned.  


People of color often prefer to speak with therapists within their own community. Speaking with another person of color, who understands the microaggressions and burdens you face on a daily basis, can be tremendously helpful for healing.  

Currently, the psychology workforce is predominantly white, which often makes it difficult for BIPOC people to find a therapist they feel comfortable with. It is hoped that in the coming years, more young people of color will take an interest and the initiative to become a trained and licensed therapist. 

Making a Commitment 

This Juneteenth, it is important that people in the African American community make a commitment to their mental health. It may be helpful for you to get on the phone with a few potential providers and ask some questions to get a sense of their level of cultural awareness. What is their history of treating people of color? How sensitive are they to the plights black people face today? 

When you find a provider that can meet your needs, you can begin the journey of healing. 



How Finances can Impact Your Mental Health

Not since the great depression have so many people collectively been dealing with financial hardship. The Covid pandemic locked down nations and caused people to lose their livelihoods. It is not surprising, then, that we are also seeing increases in the rates of depression.

There have been other studies that also linked depression and anxiety with financial burdens. In fact, this study suggests that individuals with depression and anxiety are three times more likely to be in debt.

It’s a Vicious Cycle

Solving any problem requires clear thinking and an ability to take action. The problem is, when financial burdens cause a person to become anxious and depressed, they live in an emotional state that makes it almost impossible to solve their financial problems.

For instance, when people feel depressed, it is common for them to also feel overwhelmed and out of control. They tend to want to avoid problems because they simply can’t bear the weight of it all. 

Depression and anxiety can also make it hard for people to get proper sleep. This, in turn, creates mental fog, making it incredibly hard to figure out a solution to any problem.

Talking to Someone Can Really Help

No, I’m not talking about a financial planner, I’m talking about speaking with a therapist. A licensed therapist can help you find some calm in the storm. Working with a therapist often brings the kind of clarity that can help you heal from depression and anxiety and get your financial life back in order.

There is nothing to be ashamed of. Most of us have, at one point (if not currently), experienced trouble with our finances and felt depressed and anxious. It is a common part of living in these modern times when the economy seems to be going against us most of the time.

If you or a loved one has been having a hard time financially and you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, please get in touch with me. I would be more than happy to help you deal with your current situation.


Neurodivergence’s Impact on Mental Health

When we speak about human behavior or ways of being in the world, we have traditionally described someone as having normal behavior or abnormal behavior. Recently, mental health experts have begun to look at things in a broader, more inclusive scope.

What Does Neurodivergent Mean?

Neurodivergent is a term used to describe someone who either behaves in a specific way or processes information in a specific way that differs from cultural norms. It is an important shift in the mental health community because it allows clinicians to discuss diagnoses, such as autism, in a way that doesn’t portray the diagnoses as an illness or problem to be dealt with. In addition to autism, there are other diagnoses that may be considered a form of neurodivergence such as ADHD, any learning disability, dyslexia, and Tourette’s syndrome.

Benefits of Neurodiversity

Much of the world has embraced cultural diversity. We have been taught that diversity is our greatest strength. Well, people are finally starting to realize that this concept goes beyond just cultural diversity and should extend to the diversity of thought and being as well. Neurodiversity can actually be beneficial to society because different ways of thinking and looking at the world bring different perspectives and insights to the table.

Temple Grandin is a perfect example. Temple is autistic and it is her very unique perspective and way of thinking that allowed her to revolutionize the practices for the humane handling of livestock.

Instead of stigmatizing children who have been diagnosed with a “mental handicap,” we must encourage them to embrace their differences and share their unique insights and perspectives with the world.