
Mental Health Benefits of Gratitude Journals

At some point in their life, many people will face a mental health crisis. Perhaps it is the stress from a divorce, anxiety from a move, or grieving the loss of a loved one. There are numerous ways we can tackle mental health to make our entire well-being a priority. But one method that not nearly enough people speak about...[ read more ]

Silence Your Inner Critic

Every single human being has two voices battling it out inside their head. The one voice is our champion, encouraging us to feel confident and to reach our fullest potential.Then there’s that other voice. The one that is critical of every move we make. The one that looks at all of our perceived flaws under a microscope and calls them...[ read more ]

Signs you Need to Take a Mental Health Day

Do you ever get up in the morning and wonder if it would be okay for you to take a mental health day? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, research from the American Psychological Association shows that today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout at alarming rates.What are Mental Health Days Exactly?The good news is that taking a mental...[ read more ]

Beginner’s Guide to Focusing on Mental Health

These days, many people focus on their physical health. But few give much attention, if any, to their mental health.What does mental health refer to? Mental health describes a person’s overall psychological health and well-being. It has much to do with the way you feel about yourself, your ability to manage your emotions, how you deal with challenges and the...[ read more ]

How to Regulate Your Emotions with Mindfulness

Life has been beyond challenging for most of us the last couple of years as we’ve dealt with a global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. And just when we thought we were all out of the woods and life was back to normal, we now find ourselves facing sky high inflation, a recession, and the threat of WW III. Needless to...[ read more ]

Mental Health Effects of Excessive Screen Time

If we’re honest, most of us would admit we look at some form of digital screen more than we do the face of our friends and loved ones. From our phones to iPad, laptops and flatscreen TVs the size of an entire wall, screen time for most people is definitely on the rise. But what exactly are the mental health...[ read more ]

Couples: How to Regulate Yourself During Difficult Conversations

Sharing your life with someone means having open and honest conversations, even when those conversations are a bit difficult. But that’s easier said than done.During hard conversations, it’s common for many people to become triggered by something their partner has said. Calm one moment, but the next they’re thrown into “fight or flight” mode, their brain sensing danger. Before they...[ read more ]

Single on Valentine’s Day? Treat Yourself to Self Care

Ah, Valentine’s Day - a holiday to celebrate love with the one you love. Well, that sounds great and all if you’re in a relationship - but what about if you're single? What should you do, spend the entire day moping around eating copious amounts of mini Twix? That’s an option, but a better option is to spend the day practicing...[ read more ]

How the Nervous System Affects Your Health

Your nervous system runs and powers every organ and every other system, from your brain to your digestion, breathing and beyond. But what many people don’t consider is that the natural aging process, toxins and diseases can damage your nervous system, and therefor your overall health and well-being.What does the nervous system do?Your nervous system is a bit like the...[ read more ]

When is it Time to Ask for Help?

Depression is a complex mental health issue that varies widely between individuals. This is why it can be difficult for some people to recognize what may be a situational discomfort that may pass on its own, and what may be more serious and require professional help.The Difference Between Mild and Serious Mental Health IssuesIn order to measure the seriousness of...[ read more ]

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